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From A Technology-First Approach To A People-First Approach

Aderonke gathering data during one of the field projects.

My Experience Managing Human-Centered Design Projects with a Tech Project Management Background

Managing IT-related projects and leading human-centered design (HCD) initiatives at DODO Design has been a transformative journey for me. My background in tech initially shaped my project management skills; however, transitioning to HCD has subsequently given me a deeper understanding of empathetic and inclusive practices.

The Shift in Approach

The shift from managing IT projects to design projects highlights distinct approaches. In HCD, the focus is primarily on creating solutions that meet the specific needs and experiences of the end users.

Co-Creation of Solutions

At DODO, we use HCD to co-create solutions that address the unique challenges our clients face. This approach ensures that the designs are not only functional but also transformative for those they are intended to serve.

Aderonke documenting during human centered projects

The Difference in Approach and Strategy in Human Centered Projects.

Empathy and User Research

In IT projects, teams typically gather requirements through business analysis and stakeholder interviews. In contrast, at DODO, we take it further by immersing ourselves directly in users’ environments. We conduct in-depth interviews, lead focus groups, and use a variety of methodologies to gain deep insights into user needs. This empathetic approach makes our solutions truly user-centered.

Iterative Design and Prototyping

Traditional IT projects often follow a linear, waterfall methodology. However, at DODO, we employ an iterative design process for our human-centered projects. We develop prototypes, test them with real users, gather feedback, and continuously refine our solutions. This agile approach enables us to iterate, experiment, and quickly adapt to user needs, ultimately improving the solution at every stage.

Aderonke and Susan discussing the data during the human centered design projects.

Collaboration and Co-Creation

In IT projects, technical teams typically collaborate among themselves. On the other hand, in human-centered design projects, we broaden collaboration by engaging with diverse stakeholders, including professionals from various fields, community leaders, and the users themselves. We hold co-creation sessions to harness collective intelligence and ensure that the solutions we develop are both culturally sensitive and practical.

Focus on Impact and Sustainability

In IT projects, we often define success by delivering on time and staying within budget. In human-centered design (HCD), however, we measure success by how much we improve users’ lives. One social impact project we are currently working on focuses on the reproductive health concerns of women in Nigeria. We aim to create sustainable solutions that will benefit millions of women for years to come. This long-term perspective encourages us to think beyond immediate deliverables and prioritize lasting positive change.

Embracing the challenge

Transitioning to HCD has presented challenges. Shifting from a technology-first mindset to a people-first approach requires patience, as iterative design can be time-consuming. However, the rewards are immense. Knowing that our work at DODO will directly impact lives brings deep fulfillment.

As a project manager, I’ve come to realize that HCD is not just a methodology—it’s a philosophy that prioritizes empathy, collaboration, and sustainability. Leading the project on reproductive health for women in Nigeria has been an enriching experience, reinforcing my belief in design’s power to create meaningful, lasting solutions that transform lives.

At DODO, we stay committed to this journey by grounding every project in the principles of HCD and focusing on making a positive impact on the communities we serve.


My Experience Managing Human-Centered Design Projects with a Tech Project Management Background Managing IT-related projects and leading human-centered design (HCD) initiatives at DODO Design has been a transformative journey for me. My background in tech initially

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Aderonke Adekunle is an accomplished project manager recognised for her ability to keep projects on track. As a reliable leader, she consistently delivers exceptional results punctually.