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A Day in the Life of a User Researcher at DODO Design Africa

Work from home

As a remote user researcher at DODO Design, balancing my professional and personal life as a mom gives me the flexibility I need to be effective at both—a feat that requires a strategic approach. I divide my job into two main activities: fieldwork, where I engage with users to understand their views and decision-making processes, and off-field work, where I analyze and synthesize the data I gather. Here’s a glimpse into what a typical off-field day looks like for me.


5:00 AM – 6:00AM: I wake up early to observe my quiet time. Afterward, I go straight to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for my family and check if the kids properly sorted their school items the night before. My 7-year-old needs more hands-on support. I guide him through waking up, brushing his teeth, and eating breakfast. Sometimes, gentle scolding is needed to keep him on track. I check his backpack, make sure he’s eaten, and remind him to put on his shoes. I stay close to ensure he follows his routine.

7:00 AM – With everyone ready, I double-check and pack all the school bags and lunch boxes. I fix any last-minute issues, like missing homework or forgotten items. I also ensure everything is in place, including my 7-year-old’s preparations.

8:30 AM – Back at home, I prepare to start my day. I quickly have coffee and skimmed milk, sometimes with a banana, then set up my home office, organizing my workspace and getting it ready to go. This helps me stay focused and productive.

9:00 AM – I start my workday with a team call. My team includes other researchers and designers, and we use this time to discuss the day’s tasks—analyzing data, conducting synthesis, planning for projects, performing usability tests, or preparing reports. These meetings are crucial and help us stay on track.

Omowunmi showing her colleague a data as a remote user researcher


10:00 AM – Our team meeting continues with project updates and research findings. Working remotely, we rely on video calls to stay connected.

Personal Work Time:

12:00 PM – I use this time to tackle individual tasks, conduct desk research related to my current projects, or catch up on personal interests.


1:00 PM – Lunchtime gives me a break. I have cassava flakes (garri) and roasted groundnuts, then take a moment to unwind. On quiet days, I catch up on industry news or a book related to user research.

2:00 PM – After lunch, I get back to work, focusing on tasks like designing surveys, conducting usability tests, or analyzing feedback from recent studies.

3:00PM – My kids return from school, often bringing distractions, especially my 4-year-old. She asks if I’m still working, if I’ve made lunch, and if she can say hello to my colleagues.(she’s said hello once before and got a tickle out of it). I try to handle these interruptions professionally while making sure my kids don’t feel ignored.

4:30 PM – As the workday starts to wind down, I finalize the tasks assigned to me, which often include compiling research findings, performing data analysis through affinity mapping, drafting reports, and preparing presentations. I also review my to-do list and plan for the next day.


5:30 PM – I finish up my work and transition into personal time. I start making dinner, help with homework, and let the kids watch their favorite TV shows once they finish their homework.

6:30 PM – After dinner, I get a few minutes to myself. If needed, I check emails or wrap up light work to stay on top of tasks.

Balancing work and family life as a remote user researcher takes careful planning and flexibility. Every day brings its own mix of challenges and rewards, and working from home allows me to be present for my family while pursuing my professional goals.


  • Omowumi Bello is a skilled user researcher and communicator, specialising in in-depth research that informs user-centered design and strategic decision-making across diverse regions.

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As a remote user researcher at DODO Design, balancing my professional and personal life as a mom gives me the flexibility I need to be effective at both—a feat that requires a strategic approach. I divide

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Omowumi Bello is a skilled user researcher and communicator, specialising in in-depth research that informs user-centered design and strategic decision-making across diverse regions.